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Journal of Chromatography A
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 836, Issue 2,
Pages 201-331 (26 March 1999)

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Isotachophoretic analysis of inorganic ions, Pages 201-208
Iva Valáková and Emil Havránek
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Improved analytical methods for determination of nitrogenous stress metabolites occurring in Limonium species, Pages 209-221
Alain Bouchereau, Claire Duhazé, Josette Martin-Tanguy, Jean-Paul Guégan and François Larher
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Evaluation of different clean-up procedures for the analysis of heterocyclic aromatic amines in a lyophilized meat extract, Pages 223-233
F. Toribio, L. Puignou and M. T. Galceran
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High-performance liquid chromatography of some purine and pyrimidine derivatives on silica in hexane¯isopropanol¯ethylene glycol mobile phases, Pages 235-244
H. Kaoka
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Investigation of hop and beer bitter acids by coupling of high-performance liquid chromatography to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Pages 245-252
K. Pusecker, K. Albert and E. Bayer
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Separation of nanometer gold particles by size exclusion chromatography, Pages 253-260
Guor-Tzo Wei and Fu-Ken Liu
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Characterization of olefinic gas chromatographic stationary phases by linear solvation energy relationships, Pages 261-270
Brian K. Callihan and David S. Ballantine, Jr.
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Gas chromatographic separation of semivolatile organohalogen compounds on the new stationary phase Optima -3, Pages 271-284
R. Looser and K. Ballschmiter
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Pressurized fluid extraction of polychlorinated biphenyls in solid environmental samples, Pages 285-293
E. Björklund, S. Bøwadt, T. Nilsson and L. Mathiasson
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Effects of electrokinetic chromatography conditions on the structure and properties of polyallylamine-supported pseudo-stationary phase; A study by dynamic light scattering, Pages 295-303
Nobuo Tanaka, Katsuhito Nakagawa, Hisashi Nagayama, Ken Hosoya, Tohru Ikegami, Akira Itaya and Mitsuhiro Shibayama
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Determination of biogenic amines by capillary electrophoresis, Pages 305-313
Ágnes Kovács, Livia Simon-Sarkadi and Katalin Ganzler
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Separation of nucleosides using capillary electrochromatography, Pages 315-324
Thomas Helboe and Steen Honoré Hansen
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New derivatization method for carboxylic acids in aqueous solution for analysis by capillary electrophoresis and laser-induced fluorescence detection, Pages 325-331
M. Kibler and K. Bächmann
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